Upcoming Events

We have our 2023 event schedule created. Paid annual members will be informed of the details for upcoming events in a number of ways:  the Barn Door newsletter, emails, and snail mail when necessary. Join as a member to get all the event details!

Types of Events

The FOMB Annual Meeting

The annual meeting is held in the spring and is a kickoff event for the season. It is usually held at a barn that has been converted to an event center and is a social event with lunch, followed by a short business meeting with election of board members, the presentation of the winners in the calendar contest and a program. It is a great place for networking and meeting other members.

Coffee Chats

These are gatherings normally held in the warmer months that may be held at someone’s barn with them giving a tour and describing the history of it. Locations could include a historic barn or historic site relating to old barns and farm site outbuildings of interest to members. Coffee Chats are normally held on a Saturday or Sunday with no charge to members and FoMB supplies treats and refreshments, and there are times when more than one site may be visited.

The Fall Barn Tour

This is our most popular event! It is a caravan tour of 3 or 4 barns held in September that are usually quite different from one another in their usages, and are at times very unique. This has become a must-attend event.